

In this section, you will learn more information about the individual lessons of the Summer School. (The program will be gradually updated.)

  1. Lecture 2: The structure of scientific article

    Lecturer: Anne Mäkiranta (Vaasa)
    Scientific article has a strict form with sections: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and references. Each of these sections will be discussed in this lecture. Since the style and format may vary between journal, these have to be taking into account while making a publication.

  2. Lecture 4: Database – Google scholar, Scopus

    Lecturer: Sebastian Rink (Fraunhofer)
    Following lecture will focus on selected databases. Provides an overview of the most important (literary) databases for scientists and researchers. Live samples from selected databases will be included. At the end of the work there will be space for discussion.

  3. Lecture 5: GeoUS project presentation

    Lecturer: Pavel Pospisil (VSB)
    The lecture will present the current state of the art in the use of geothermal energy and selected examples of the use of thermal energy of the rock environment as a heat source, but also as a medium for thermal energy storage. It will be based on the experience gained during the GeoUS project.

  4. Lecture 6: Design of innovative sorptive heat storage prototypes and suitable manufacturing technologies

    Lecturer: Dieter Weise, Sebastian Melzer (Fraunhofer)
    Following lecture will focus on the outcomes of the German Heat2Share project. Information about the design and manufacturing of sorptive heat storage systems will be provided. Severall design solutions will be discussed and coupled with suitable process chains. At the end of the work there will be space for discussion.

  5. Lecture 7: FutureFaçade - Individualized facade design in combination with solar thermal energy as a supplementary heat source for geothermal systems

    Lecturer: Dieter Weise, Peter Scholz (Fraunhofer)
    Following lecture will focus on the outcomes of the international FutureFacade project. Information about the design and manufacturing of solar tailored sheet metal based thermal collectors will be provided. Severall design solutions will be discussed. The spotlight will be set on forming and joining technologies for collectors. At the end of the work there will be space for discussion.

  6. Lecture 8: Recent research on geothermal energy

    Lecturer: Birgitta Martinkauppi (Vaasa)
    This topic covers several aspects of research recently done in geothermal energy. The low and high temperature geothermal sources are described and their potential is evaluated. Different structures and approaches (e.g. deep geothermal) are explained with their current status. This lecture provides an overview of current research.

  7. Lecture 9: Drivers and barrier of technology related to innovation

    Lecturer: Ville Tuomi (Vaasa)
    Aim of the lecture is to increase understanding of the key drivers and barriers of technological innovations as well as how technology is related to innovation.

    Content of the lecture:

    1. Drivers and barriers of technological innovation
    2. How could we use technology to make innovation
    3. Case-studies to develop understanding of the above mentioned issues a & b
    4. Discussion

  8. Lecture 10: Comprehensive approach to heat exchanger design

    Lecturer: Pavel Pospisil (VSB), representative of BHE design company
    Description of comprehensive methodology for design of geothermal heat exchangers. The lecture will be based on experiences from design and realization of various types of heat exchangers in installations in Czech Republic. Emphasis will be placed on the collaboration of different experts in the design and optimization of heat exchangers installed in different types of rock environments.

  9. Lecture 11: Energostructures - heat exploitation and storage

    Lecturer: Eva Hrubešová (VSB), Marek Mohyla (VSB)
    The lecture will be focused on the characteristics of energy geostructures, their basic aspects of mechanical and thermal behavior in interaction with the surrounding rock environment and the superstructure on the surface. The possibilities of numerical modeling of the behavior of energy structures and selected possibilities of experimental testing of these structures will also be presented.

  10. Lecture 12: Non-traditional sources of energy – mine waters, coal waste dumps

    Lecturer: Nada Rapantova (VSB)
    The lecture will be focused on review of research in the field of utilisation of mine water of flooded underground mines for geothermal purposes. Theoretical studies (or potential) of other non-traditional utilisation of heat of underground mines or burning waste rock dumps will be discussed as well.