VSB – Technical University of Ostrava is a university with tradition in high quality education and research in engineering, IT, and economics related fields. The university has 7 faculties. Fundamental tasks of the university are defined as providing higher education, research and development and cooperation with industry.
Following faculties are involved in this project:
FRAUNHOFER is a globally renowned research institute, which owns an international reputation in the field of cutting-edge research. The institute is a member of EFFRA, the European Factories of the Future Research Association and of EARPA, the European Automotive Research Partners Association. FRAUNHOFER is also an active player in Saxony’s smart specialisation strategy. FRAUNHOFER has been involved in several previous and on-going Twinning project giving it a good understanding of what is required and a methodology for supporting capacity building.
University of Vaasa (UVA) is located on the Western coast of Finland and offers a modern study environment for 5000 students on the shore of the beautiful archipelago. The education and research that the University provides is wide ranging, from business studies, administration, and technology to communication. For educating doctoral students, the university has a Graduate School. Research is relevant to the present time and current political priorities producing scientific knowledge of high international quality. Research focuses particularly on the strategic areas of management, energy and finance. Research is done according to contemporary standards in research groups that are often international and multidisciplinary.